The 41st. International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronic and Microelectronics (MIPRO) will take place in Opatija, Croatia from Monday 21st-25th of May. Mipro is based on the grounds of science, technology and economy. This successful International Convention was stablished to fortify the economy by encouraging the development of the latest technology.

The main event inside the program’s Convention will be Business Day and it will be linked to other panels, which their purpose will be to clear economic visions and provide essential strategic guidelines and modifications. The Business Day will take place on Wednesday 23rd. of May.
On this Business day, Dr. Tamas Kiss, member of the Executive Board & Coordinator of
Application Experiments in the CloudiFacturing project, Director of Research Centre for
Parallel Computing by the University of Westminster, London is invited to present a short overview of the CloudiFacturing project, outlining its aims and objectives and describing how the manufacturing sector can benefit from the provided solutions.
Mipro will take place in the Grand Hotel Adriatic Congress Center and Hotel Admiral, Opatija, Croatia.
If you would like to have more information about this Convention, click here.