Cloudification of 
Production Engineering
Predictive Digital

Valencia Code Camp

Marina Real, Valencia.
Innsomnia facilities.
Innsomnia facilities.

From the 12th to the 14th of July, the Valencia Code Camp will take place in Spain in the lovely Valencia at the DIH’s Innsomnia Installations. We are very excited to meet all the team that makes this project possible. There will be quite a few things to share and to discuss before the First Open Call (1st. of July) begins. Among the subjects that will be discussed are the technical achievements and the dissemination events that will follow, as well as other important issues.

On Tuesday 12th, André Stork from Fraunhofer will give the opening welcome speech to all the assistants. He will present the agenda for the next days and the aim of the meeting. Throughout the day, there will be presentations about the experiments’ technical progress, as well as for the Digital Marketplace developments.

On Wednesday 13th, the subject will be the Open Call and everything that has to do with it. Along with the DIHs and the Executive Board, the discussions about the improvements of the project will be held over the day. Parallel, the technical part of the experiments will have meetings too about the integration of software into the CloudFlow HPC environment.

The last day, the Executive Board along with the DIHs and the experiment leaders will be presenting and reviewing the experiment’s preparations and will comment their presentations and plans. Side by side, the technical group will have meetings regarding technical issues.

We want to thank Innsomnia for welcoming us. We are looking forward to a fulfilling and energizing meeting!