Cloudification of 
Production Engineering
Predictive Digital

Code Camp Genoa

As part of the welcome, our partners STAM and SINTEF organized the Code Camp for the new seven experiments in Genoa, Italy from the 4th to the 6th of June, 2019. This will give the opportunity for the Technical and Management teams to get to know each other and share their points of view and concerns about this new wave of experiments.

The agenda will  be as follows:

  • On the first day, the developers, the end-users and all experiment partners are invited to participate in it. The representatives of each experiment will mainly stay together and discuss different aspects of the desired solution, including user perspective, business model and different aspects of the technical solution, with relevant experts from the core partners. This process will be facilitated in parallel sessions where experiments move around the “tables” of core partner expert groups. This will also be the first opportunity to meet you all in person.
  • The second day will be dedicated to the training and hands on the CloudiFacturing Solution. This includes everyone who is part of the project.
  • The third day only the core partners are invited to participate and do a wrap up from the previous days.

We want to thank STAM for organizing this Code Camp along with SINTEF! 

We will fill you up with further details. Keep tuned!