After a week of workshops, meeting and greeting people, getting to know the new and interesting projects, as well as showing our three projects: CloudiFacturing, cloudSME and COLA, we can only say: Hannover Messe was a big success!
With more than 210,000 visitors which 70,000 were outside Germany and more than 600 exhibitors, the crowd was enthusiastic and open to share experiences about their projects or services. We were happy to show how do we work and, of course, the application for the next CloudiFacturing Open Call.

One of the highlights was The Cascade Funding Workshop held at the I4MS booth. Our project partners Elena Femenía from Innsomnia and Marco Barbagelata from Stam talked about the CloudiFacturing Project & Cloud based simulation use cases. The workshops were presented by Mayte Carracedo, Project Coordinator from I4MS and María Roca, Project Manager of the European’s Commission’s space in Hannover Messe.
We want to thank all the people who visited us at our booth and took the time to take a look and chat with us. We are looking forward to see you next year!