Cloudification of 
Production Engineering
Predictive Digital

IT4Innovations Success Story

Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are the core of the Digitising European Industry initiative. They are the ones which are already helping other companies (specially SMEs) to transform their services, products and processes through innovative techniques. They are a unique regional structure. Any company can easily benefit from their specialised support when it comes to understanding how can they access digital technologies, and how to finance and boost investments needed to address the digital transformation of the business. Learn more about our DIHs here.

IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center provides state-of-the-art technologies and services in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) and makes it available for Czech and international research teams from academia and industry. IT4Innovations is the only national large research HPC e-infrastructure operating national Tier-1 systems. It currently operates two supercomputers, Anselm and Salomon. IT4Innovations is also an R&D centre with strong international links.

The centre currently participates in dozens of international projects, mostly H2020 with top academic and industrial partners mainly SMEs. Since 2011 when IT4Innovations were established we worked with more than 50 SMEs on technological transfer and helped them with access to HPC technologies. Our work in digitalisation of the industry in the Czech Republic was recognized by European Commission which puts IT4Innovations on the map of European Digital Innovations Hubs created as a part of the Smart Specialization Platform initiative.

Goal of IT4Innovations in the CloudiFacturing project is to support cross-border experiments which require HPC infrastructure for successful fulfilment of the experiments objectives. IT4Inovations is responsible for southeast and northeast Europe.

IT4Innovations Headquearters:

VSB-Technical University of Ostrava
17. listopadu 15/2172
708 33 Ostrava - Poruba
Czech Republic

Contact for the southeast & northeast of Europe:

Tomáš Karásek